If you are experiencing any difficulties with recovering debt, you need to act swiftly so that it does not affect your business or your personal finances.

Receiving a demand for payment from a solicitor is likely to have a greater impact on the debtor than chasing the debt yourself. It demonstrates to the debtor that you are taking the matter very seriously and are willing to invest time and money in getting paid.

Some debtors may be able to pay some but not all of their creditors so by involving solicitors you have a better chance of getting them to take your debt more seriously than others who are not chasing as hard. Our debt solicitors can adopt a pragmatic approach towards the dispute to assist with its resolution as quickly and easily as possible.

Meet the Team

Our Team specialise in a number of different areas. These are members of our team who specialise in this area. To see how we can help you, please give a team member a call, or alternatively, you can email a member of the team and we’ll get back to you as soon as is possible.

Jim DSC5887 2

James Thorn LLB (Hons)

Senior Solicitor / Mediator

Kyle DSC4718 2 2

Kyle Cooper LLB (Hons), LLM


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Newport Office

36 St James Street, Newport, PO30 1LF

01983 524741

01983 556088

Freshwater Office

Avenue House, Avenue Road, Freshwater, PO40 9UZ

01983 752492

01983 754247